Name |
Description |
Additional Information |
CA010 |
RFA Initiation |
The event by which the State or EPA starts to conduct an RFA. |
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date upon which a full or partial RFA is scheduled to be initated by an agency
- Actual Date - Date upon which a full or partial RFA is initiated by an agency as indicated on the first page of standardized reporting forms within the RFA document
CA050 |
RFA Completed |
The event by which the RFA is completed. |
- Initiating Source - Document with results of the RFA that determine if there is a release or potential for release for the entire facility
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date is scheduled to approve the result of the RFA
- Actual Date - The date upon which there is enough information to determine if there is a release or potential for release for the entire facility.
CA060 |
Notice of Contamination |
Receipt by the Agency of written notification that contamination has been discovered at the RCRA facility and that the RCRA facility has notified all persons potentially impacted by the release of hazardous constituents. |
- Initiating Source - Facility submission
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Projected date of receipt by the Agency of written notification that contamination has been discovered at the RCRA facility
- Actual Date - Date of receipt by the Agency of written notification that contamination has been discovered at the RCRA facility
CA070 |
Determination of Need for an Investigation |
This event indicates whether an investigation is necessary to analyze the extent of contamination at this facility. An investigation is usually necessary when, after the initial assessment, there is evidence or the likelihood of contamination release which poses a current or potential threat to human health and/or the environment.
Status Codes (required)
- NO - Further investigation is not needed or an investigation will not be needed at this site because remediation is not necessary.
- YE - Further investigation is necessary.
- Initiating Source - Regional or State determination upon review of an initial facility assessment
- Nationally Required - No
CA075 |
CA Prioritization |
This event indicates that a facility or area has been prioritized using the National Corrective Action Prioritization System (NCAPS) or an equivalent system which has been approved by EPA Headquarters.
Status Codes (required)
- HI - The facility or area was assigned a high corrective action priority.
- LO - The facility or area was assigned a low corrective action priority.
- ME - The faiclity or area was assigned a medium corrective action priority.
- Initiating Source - The prioritization system results
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date prioritization is planned to be completed
- Actual Date - Date the facility has been given a priority through the use of NCAPS
- Guidance - EPA originally intended the NCAPS ranking to be a facility level ranking, but some Regions and States have found it useful to rank areas as well. Ranking for areas within a facility is not required. The corrective action program will count a facility as High NCAPS priority if one or more areas at the facility have a High NCAPS ranking as the most current ranking. The most recent NCAPS ranking, by date, will be used for facility level data pulls.
CA100 |
Investigation Imposition |
The event by which the State or EPA imposes an obligation upon the owner/operator of a facility regulated by RCRA or the equivalent state law to conduct an investigation into the nature and extent of contamination at a facility. |
- Initiating Source - Written notification by the State or EPA that an investigation is required
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to issue the enforcement order, permit or permit modification, voluntary instrument, or other written document
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA issues the enforcement order, permit or permit modification, voluntary instrument, or other written document.
CA110 |
Investigation Workplan Received |
The event by which a RCRA facility submits an investigation workplan to the State or EPA. |
- Initiating Source - Facility submission
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the permit or order condition
- Actual Date - Date the investigation workplan is received by the State or EPA
CA120 |
Investigation Workplan Modification Requested by Agency |
The event by which the State or EPA requests that the RCRA facility modify its investigation workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Letter from the State or EPA to the facility
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Projected date of letter
- Actual Date - Date of letter
CA140 |
Investigation Workplan Notice of Deficiency Issued |
The event by which the State or EPA issues a Notice of Deficiency to the handler citing deficiencies in the proposed investigation workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Notice of Deficiency from the EPA or State to the faciltiy
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Data the Notice of Deficiency is scheduled to be sent to the handler
- Actual Date - Date of the Notice of Deficiency
CA150 |
Investigation Workplan Approved |
The event by which the State or EPA approves the investigation workplan submitted by the RCRA facility. |
- Initiating Source - Approval by the State or EPA of the investigation plan prepared by a facility in response to an order, permit, or permit modification with a schedule of compliance imposing an investigation obligation upon the faciltiy
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the approval is expected
- Actual Date - Date of the approval
CA155 |
Investigation Supplemental Information Requested by Agency |
The event by which the State or EPA requests information from the RCRA facility to modify, expand, amend, reexamine, or otherwise revisit the workplan which had previously been approved but the report generated in not yet sufficient. |
CA160 |
Investigation Supplemental Information Received |
The event by which the RCRA facility submits supplemental investigation information. |
- Initiating Source - Facility submission
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the permit or order condition, permit or order modification, or letter from the State or EPA requesting supplemental information
- Actual Date - Date investigation supplemental information is received by the State or EPA
CA170 |
Investigation Supplemental Information Deemed Satisfactory |
The event by which the State or EPA formally approves the investigation supplemental information. |
- Initiating Source - Letter from the State or EPA approving the investigation supplemental information prepared by the facility
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the approval is expected
- Actual Date - Date the approval is granted
CA180 |
Investigation Implementation Begun |
The event by which the RCRA facility committed to begin any implementation in its Agency approved investigation workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Notification to the State or EPA by the facility, or an on-site observation by the State or EPA
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the order or permit condition, or date the facility is expected to begin implementation
- Actual Date - Date of the notification or observation
CA190 |
Investigation Report Received |
The event by which a RCRA facility submits a written summary of the results of the approved investigation workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Report
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the permit or order condition, or date the facility is expected to submit the report
- Actual Date - Date the report is received by the State or EPA
CA195 |
Investigation Progress Reports Received |
Receipt of reports submitted by the RCRA facility to the State or EPA during execution of the approved investigation workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Report
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the permit or order condition(s)
- Actual Date - Date the report(s) are received by the State or EPA
CA200 |
Investigation Complete |
The event by which the State or EPA determines that the facility investigation is sufficient to support either a "No Further Action" determination or a Remedy Decision. |
- Initiating Source - Written notification from the State or EPA notifying the facility of the determination
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to issue the determination
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA issues the determination
CA206 |
Proposed Referral of CA Responsibility from RCRA toFederal CERCLA |
The facility or area is being proposed to be referred to Federal CERCLA.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency determines that corrective action at the facility or area is being proposed to be referred to Federal CERCLA
CA208 |
Confirmation of Receipt by Federal CERCLA of Request to Refer from RCRA |
A confirmation of the referral request has been received from Federal CERCLA.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency received confirmation of the referral request from Federal CERCLA
CA210 |
CA Responsibility Referred to a Non-RCRA Authority |
The facility or area has been referred to Federal CERCLA or some other non-RCRA authority.
Status Codes (required)
- OT - Corrective action at the facility or area is referred to another non-RCRA authority.
- SF - Corrective action at the facility or area is referred to Federal CERCLA.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency determines that corrective action at the facility or area has been referred to Federal CERCLA or some other non-RCRA authority
- Guidance - The national RCRA CA program does not expect to continue keeping track of the remedial events that have been completed once a facility has been referred to Superfund. That is not to say that the RCRA program would lack the authority to go back to a RCRA facility that had been addressed under CERCLA and request additional work. However, as a matter of program policy, once a facility is referred to CERCLA, we would not actively monitor the progress of the facility and would not expect the facility to "return" to RCRA, barring some unforeseen event. This event should not be used for facilities that are only receiving an initial assessment from the Superfund program, and are expected to return to the RCRA program for the facility investigation and facility remediation steps. However, if a RCRA facility, such as one that has converted to less than 90-day storage, has, as a matter of national policy, been deferred to the Superfund program and if, in the case specific circumstance, the Region or authorized state has clearly transferred this facility to the Superfund queue, then the "Referred to a Non-RCRA Authority" event could be entered for this facility.
CA212 |
Rejection of Proposed CA Responsibility Referral to Federal CERCLA |
The proposed referral of responsibility to Federal CERCLA has been rejected.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency receives notice that Federal CERCLA has rejected the proposed referral of CA responsibility
CA216 |
Proposed Deferral of CA Responsibility from Federal CERCLA to RCRA |
The facility or area is being proposed to be deferred from Federal CERCLA to RCRA. |
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency determines that corrective action at the facility or area is being proposed to be deferred from Federal CERCLA to RCRA
CA218 |
Confirmation of Receipt by RCRA of Request to Defer CA Responsibility from Federal CERCLA |
A confirmation of the deferral request has been received from RCRA. |
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency received confirmation of the deferral request from RCRA
CA220 |
CA Responsibility Deferred to RCRA |
The facility or area has been deferred to RCRA. |
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency determines that corrective action at the facility or area has been deferred to RCRA
CA222 |
Rejection of Proposed CA Responsibility Deferral to RCRA |
The proposed deferral of responsibility to RCRA has been rejected. |
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - Date the Agency receives notice of that RCRA has rejected the proposed referral of CA responsibility
CA225 |
Stabilization Measures Evaluation |
This event indicates that the feasibility and appropriateness of stabilization activities at this facility have been evaluated.
Status Codes (required)
- IN - The facility is not amenable to stabilization activity because of a lack of technical data. An evaluation has been completed, but further data is necessary to determine stabilization measures, feasibility or appropriateness.
- NF - The facility is not amenable to stabilization activity at the present time, because it appears to be technically infeasible or inappropriate.
- NR - The facility is not amenable to stabilization activity at the present time for reasons other than 1) it appears to be technically infeasible or inappropriate (NF); or 2) there is a lack of technical information (IN). Reasons for this conclusion may be the status of closure at the facility, the degree of risk, timing considerations, the status of corrective action work at the facility, or other administrative considerations.
- YE - The facility is amenable to stabilization activity based on the status of the corrective action work at the facility, technical factors, the degree of risk, timing considerations, and administrative considerations.
- Initiating Source - The completed National Corrective Action Stabilization Questionnaire or similar review
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the facility is expected to be evaluated for stabilization measure
- Actual Date - Date the completed National Corrective Action Stabilization Questionnaire or documentation of a similar review is entered into the facility file
- Guidance - This evaluation should be completed using the National Corrective Action Stabilization Questionnaire or a similar type of evaluation which asks the same range of questions. A status code should be entered for the areas covered by each evaluation. Stabilizations can be entered for the entire facility, or for certain areas at the facility.
CA250 |
CMS Imposition |
The event by which the State or EPA formally imposes the obligation upon a RCRA facility to perform a Corrective Measures Study (CMS). |
- Initiating Source - Compliance schedule or permit schedule of compliance
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to impose the CMS requirement
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA imposes the CMS requirement
CA260 |
CMS Workplan Received |
The event by which a RCRA facility submits a CMS workplan to the State or EPA. |
- Initiating Source - Facility submission
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Due date in the permit or order condition
- Actual Date - Date the CMS workplan is received by the State or EPA
CA270 |
CMS Workplan Modification Requested by Agency |
The event by which the State or EPA requests that the RCRA facility modify its CMS workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Letter from the State or EPA
- Nationally Required - No
- Actual Date - Date of the letter
CA300 |
CMS Workplan Approved |
The event by which the State or EPA approves the CMS plan submitted by the RCRA facility. |
- Initiating Source - State or EPA approval of the CMS
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to approve the workplan
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA approves the workplan
CA305 |
CMS Supplemental Information Requested by Agency |
The event by which the State or EPA requests the RCRA facility to modify, amend, revisit, reexamine, or re-conduct its approved CMS. |
CA310 |
CMS Supplemental Information Received |
The event by which the RCRA facility submits an amendment, modification, clarification, or other supplemental information regarding the CMS. |
- Initiating Source - Facility submission
- Nationally Required - No
CA320 |
CMS Supplemental Information Deemed Satisfactory |
The event by which the State or EPA approves the CMS supplemental information. |
- Initiating Source - State or EPA Approval of the CMS supplemental information
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to approve the CMS supplemental information
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA approves the CMS supplemental information
CA330 |
CMS Implementation Begun |
The event by which a RCRA facility committed to any implementation in its agency approved CMS workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Notification to the State or EPA by the facility or on-site observation by State or EPA
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the facility is expected to begin implementation
- Actual Date - Date the facility begins implementation
CA340 |
CMS Report Received |
The event by which a RCRA facility submits a written summary of the results of the approved CMS workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Report
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the permit or order condition, or date facility is expected to submit the report
- Actual Date - Date the report is received by the State or EPA
CA345 |
CMS Progress Reports Received |
Receipt of reports submitted by the RCRA facility to the State or EPA during execution of the approved CMS workplan. |
- Initiating Source - Report
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date in the permit or order conditions
- Actual Date - Dates reports are received by the State or EPA
CA350 |
CMS Complete |
The event by which the State or EPA determines the CMS to be sufficient to support a Remedy Decision. |
- Initiating Source - Written notification from the State or EPA notifying the facility of the determination
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to make the determination
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA makes the determination
CA370 |
Petition for No Further Action Receipt Date |
Receipt by the Agency of a permit modification requested by the RCRA facility to eliminate any remaining corrective action steps which are included as conditions in the RCRA facility's permit. |
CA375 |
Interim Decision for No Further Action |
The event by which the State or EPA makes an initial determination that no further action for a facility or an area within the facility is necessary. |
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the determination is expected to be made by the State or EPA
- Actual Date - Date the determination is made by the State or EPA
- Guidance - A formal "No Further Action" determination is part of a Remedy Decision indicated by CA400.
CA380 |
Date for Public Notice on Proposed Remedy |
The event by which the State or EPA provides nmotice to the public that a proposed remedy has been tentatively selected for a RCRA facility. |
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the public comment period is expected to begin
- Actual Date - Date the public comment period begins
CA400 |
Remedy Decision |
The event by which the State or EPA formally selects a remedy designed to meet RCRA Corrective Action long-term goals of protection of human health and the environment. This event code also applies when no further corrective action is required because stabilization measure(s) have already been implemented or because the site characterization has demonstrated the attainment of the long-term RCRA Corrective Action goals. |
- Initiating Source - A Remedy Decision and Response to Comments or other appropriate decision document that provides a description of the remedy. May be associated with a permit, administrative order, or other agreement (including modification of existing instruments) to implement a final remedy
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA decision maker is expected to sign the Remedy Decision and Response to Comments or other appropriate document
- Actual Date - Date the EPA or State decision maker signs the Remeday Decision and Response to Comments or other appropriate document
CA450 |
Corrective Measures Design Approved |
The event by which the State or EPA formally notifies the RCRA facility that the design of the corrective measure is acceptable. |
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date the Director is expected to sign approval of the corrective measures design
- Actual Date - Date the permit, permit modification or enforcement order containing the corrective measures design is issued or the date the Director signs a letter to the facility owner/operator approving the corrective measures design prepared in response to the schedule of compliance in a permit, permit modification, or enforcement order
CA500 |
CMI Workplan Approved |
The event by which the State or EPA approves the Corrective Measure Implementation Plan. |
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA expects to approve the plan
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA approves the plan
CA510 |
Determination of Technical Impracticability |
The event by which the State or EPA formally notifies the RCRA facility that the selected remedy cannot be accomplished because it is technically impracticable. |
CA550 |
Remedy Construction |
The event when the State or EPA acknowledges in writing that the RCRA facility has completed construction of a facility's remedy that was designed to achieve long-term protection of human health and the environment and that the remedy is fully functional as designed, whether or not final cleanup levels or other requirements have been achieved. Remedy construction may also acknowledge the event where no remedy is constructed and/or where final remedy construction has been deferred in specified operating areas at the facility as long as certain criteria are met.
Status Codes (required)
- NR - No Remedy Constructed. Applies on the actual date of the CA400 - Remedy Decision if no physical construction of a remedy has been needed since site characterization activities began.
- OF - Operating Facility / Remedy Deferred. Applies to each operating area at the facility that has been deferred. It applies on the actual date the agency approves the facility's demonstration that the above criteria have been met for the deferred operating area(s). This status code also applies to the entire facility when all non-operating areas and all non-deferred operating areas have a CA550NR or CA550RC event code, AND all deferred operating areas have a CA550OF code. When applied to the entire facility, the actual date of the CA550OF event code should be the later of the last CA550NR/RC or CA550OF event code which is linked to an individual area or group of areas.
- RC -Remedy Construction. Applies after the actual date of the CA400 - Remedy Decision when either: 1) all necessary physical construction of the last corrective measure has been completed and all remedial systems are fully functional as designed, whether or not final cleanup levels or other requirements have been achieved, or 2) if all necessary physical construction of all remedial systems is fully functional as designed as a result of stabilization measures implemented prior to the actual date of the CA400 - Remedy Decision whether or not final cleanup levels or other requirements have been achieved.
- Initiating Source - A Remedy Decision and Response to Comments or other appropriate decision document indicating that no further physical construction of a remedy is needed
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date -(NR) Scheduled date for the remedy decision if no further physical construction of a remedy is expected to be needed; (OF) Date the State or EPA is expected to acknowledge, in writing, that the criteria for remedy deferral in operating areas at the facility have been satisfied; (RC) Date the State or EPA is expected to acknowledge, in writing, that any necessary physical construction of the last corrective measure is complete and all remedial systems are fully functional as designed, whether or not final cleanup levels or other requirements have been achieved
- Actual Date - (NR) Date for the remedy decision if no further physical construction of a remedy is needed; (OF) Date the State or EPA approves, in writing, that the criteria for remedy deferral in operating areas at the facility have been satisfied; (RC) Date the State or EPA acknowledges, in writing, that any necessary physical construction of the last corrective measure is complete and all remedial systems are fully functional as designed, whether or not final cleanup levels or other requirements have been achieved
- Guidance - 1) The Remedy Construction measure is an important milestone of Corrective Action progress designed to measure the progress of remedy implementation. The measure Remedy Completion with or without Controls (CA900) is intended to be used to indicate the true status of completion at RCRA Corrective Action facilities. 2) Stabilization measures implemented prior to the Remedy Decision should be recorded under CA600 and CA650. 3) Remedy deferrals must have a substantive technical basis and should only be used in very limited circumstances such as where implementation of the final remedy would cause undue interruption o f a critical process or destruction of an integral portion of the subject operating area(s). 4) The Responsible Agency should also enter a CA555 event code with either a projected date or actual date to be linked to the same area(s) upon entry of a CA550OF event code; 5) Tracking of SWMU CA at the individual area level is encouraged, but not required, to implement the CA550OF code. Though it is necessary to individually identify and track deferred CA550OF areas from non-deferred and non-operating areas, implementers may continue to group areas consistent with agency data management policies and procedures.
Note: A CA550 event cannot be entered unless a CA400 event exists that is linked to the same area(s) as the CA550 event.
CA555 |
Remedy Construction Deferral Expiration |
The event to document the expiration date of the deferral of final remedy construction in specified operating areas at the facility. The CA550OF deferral is only for a specified period of time and shall not extend beyond the active life of the critical process or integral component in the deferred operating area(s) that is the basis for the deferral. |
The projected end date of the remedy deferral for a specific area should be based on the reasonably anticipated duration of the conditions necessitating the deferral, but shall not extend beyond the reasonably anticipated active life of the critical process or integral component in the operating area(s) that is the basis for the deferral. The projected end date of the remedy deferral for an entire facility area should be set as the latest projected end date of the individual areas to which a CA550OF event code is linked. In the event that the critical process or integral component is discontinued, any necessary supplemental investigation must be completed and the final remedy constructed/implemented. If the critical process or integral component is shut-down for major repairs or renovations, or is replaced by another component, any necessary supplemental investigation should be completed and the final remedy constructed/implemented during the shut-down or changeover to the replacement process/component, if practicable.
- Initiating Source - 1) The State or EPA approval, in writing, that the criteria for remedy deferral in an operating area(s) at the facility has been approved for a specified period of time; 2) The State or EPA decision document terminating a remedy deferral at the facility, e.g. a permit mod or enforcement action; 3) Correspondence from the facility documenting that the criteria for remedy deferral no longer apply, e.g., the process or integral component is no longer operating, or the criteria for the remedy deferral as specified for the CA550OF status code are no longer satisfied
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date the remedy deferral in an operating area(s) at the facility is expected to be terminated
- Actual Date - Date the remedy deferral in an operating area(s) at the facility has been terminated
- Guidance - When construction of the final remedy has been deferred at the facility level (e.g. CA550OF is linked to the 'Entire Facility' area), this event should also be linked to the 'Entire Facility' area. When construction of the final remedy has been deferred for only specific portions of the RCRA facility, this event should be linked to the specific areas affected by the control or controls. If there are more than one remedy deferrals for a facility which may have different expiration dates (e.g., multiple operating process areas which may cease operating at different times), then a separate CA555 event code should be entered for each such area.
CA600 |
Stabilization/Interim Measures Decision |
EPA's or the State's notification or written acknowledgement to the RCRA facility that a stabilization activity or activities are required or otherwise being undertaken. The notification mechanism could be an enforcement order, order modification, permit, or permit modification or similar enforceable state authority requiring the facility to undertake stabilization activity; it may also take the form of a written acknowledgement from EPA or the State that stabilization activity is being undertaken. The notification or acknowledgement must contain written stabilization objectives, goals, performance standards, or desired results. The stabilization activity must control or abate threats to human health and/or the environment from releases, and/or prevent or minimize the further spread of contamination. Facility initiated stabilizations/interim measures shall also be tracked with this event code.
Status Codes (not required)
- EC - Primary measure is exposure control by barrier and/or institutional control (e.g., capping, fencing, deed restrictions)
- GW - Primary measure is groundwater extraction and treatment (e.g., to achieve groundwater containment, to achieve MCL)
- OT - Primary measure is other activity
- SR - Primary measure is source removal and/or treatment (e.g., soil or waste excavation, in-situ soil treatment, off-site treatment)
- Initiating Source - Enforcement order, order modification, permit, permit modification, similar enforceable state authority requiring the facility to undertake stabilization activity, or written acknowledgement from the State or EPA that stabilization activity is being undertaken
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the State or EPA is expected to sign the final order, order modification, permit, permit modification, or written acknowledgement
- Actual Date - Date the State or EPA signs the final order, order modification, permit, permit modification, or written acknowledgement
CA650 |
Stabilization Construction Completed |
The event by which the State or EPA formally notifies the RCRA facility that the interim measures undertaken have been completed to the satisfaction of the Agency; and/or the event by which the State or EPA formally notifies the RCRA facility that stabilization objectives have been met, but require continued operation and maintenance to maintain this level of performance.
Status Codes (not required)
- EC - Primary measure is exposure control by barrier and/or institutional control (e.g., capping, fencing, deed restrictions)
- GW - Primary measure is groundwater extraction and treatment (e.g., to achieve groundwater containment, to achieve MCL)
- OT - Primary measure is other activity
- SR - Primary measure is source removal and/or treatment (e.g., soil or waste excavation, in-situ soil treatment, off-site treatment)
The status codes for this event provide information on the types of stabilization actions that are being implemented. This information is routinely requested in Congressional inquiries and will be helpful to Headquarters in characterizing national implementation efforts.
- Initiating Source - Letter from the EPA or the State to the facility or an internal written memorandum acknowledging stabilization completion and/or construction completion - conducted through a final order, order modification, permit, permit modification, or written acknowledgement that the activity has occurred from EPA or the State
- Nationally Required - No
- Schedule Date - Date the activity is expected to be completed
- Actual Date - Date the activity is completed
- Guidance - It was recommended that the corrective action program take credit nationally for stabilization efforts that are clearly completed, such as excavations, but also for those efforts that are performing to meet the Agency's stabilization objectives, yet require continued operation and maintenance to maintain this level of performance. The definition for CA650 incorporates these concepts. The definition allows "credit" once EPA or the State provides a written determination that the stabilization activity at a facility is completed in a manner that meets the stabilization objectives, goals, performance standards, or desired results. For example, an excavation is completed once the contaminated material has been removed in accordance with the objective of the stabilization measure. An additional example is a groundwater stabilization measure in which a pump and treat system has been constructed and is operating in a manner which achieves the stabilization objective even though continued operation and maintenance is necessary to maintain this level of performance.
CA725 |
Current Human Exposures Under Control Determination |
The event by which the State or EPA completes and Environmental Indicators (EI) Evaluation verifying that the current human exposures are under control in accordance with guidance from EPA Headquarters. EI evaluations are performed on a facility-wide basis. Therefore, this event should only be linked to the entire facility and not to specific areas.
Status Codes (required)
- IN - More information is needed to make a determination
- NO - Current human exposures are NOT under control
- YE - Current human exposures under control has been verified. Based on a review of information contained in the EI determination, current human exposures are expected to be under control at the facility under current and reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be reevaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of significant changes at the facility.
- Initiating Source - Documentation of Environmental Indicator Determination form signed by preparer and his/her supervisor. Signed hard copies of the form should reside in the administrative file for the facility. These forms should also be kept in electronic format that can be posted on an "EI database" web site developed by the Office of Solid Waste.
Click here for guidance on how to determine if a facility has met RCRA corrective action environmental indicators.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date this event is anticipated
- Actual Date - Date that the EPA or State documents that the facility has achieved the event, or that the event determination is no longer applicable
- Guidance - Effective 2/5/1999 per revised program guidance: Status codes NC and NA should no longer be used. Previously entered NC or NA status codes should be updated, but may remain in the database until they are replaced by more recent codes. Implementers should consult the most recent EI guidance for performing an EI evaluation prior to entering this event code. Click here for guidance on how to determine if a facility has met RCRA corrective action environmental indicators.
CA750 |
Groundwater Releases Controlled Determination |
The event by which the State or EPA completes an Environmental Indicators (EI) Evaluation verifying that the migration of contaminated groundwater is under control in accordance with guidance from EPA Headquarters. EI evaluations are performed on a facility-wide basis. Therefore, this event should only be linked to the entire facility and not to specific areas.
Status Codes (required)
- IN - More information is needed to make a determination
- NO - Unacceptable migration of contaminated groundwater is observed or expected
- YE - Migration of contaminated groundwater under control has been verified. Based on a review of information contained in the EI determination, it has been determined that migration of contaminated groundwater is under control at the facility. Specifically, this determination indicates that the migration of contaminated groundwater is under control, and that monitoring will be conducted to confirm that contaminated groundwater remains within the existing area of contaminated groundwater. This determination will be re-evaluated when the Agency becomes aware of significant changes at the facility.
- Initiating Source - Documentation of Environmental Indicator Determination form signed by preparer and his/her supervisor. Signed hard copies of the forms should reside in the administrative file for the facility. These forms should also be kept in electronic format that can be posted on an "EI database" web site developed by the Office of Solid Waste. Click here for guidance on how to determine if a facility has met RCRA corrective action environmental indicators.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date this event is anticipated
- Actual Date - Date that the EPA or State documents that the facility has achieved the event, or that the event documentation is no longer applicable
- Guidance - Effective 2/5/1999 per revised program guidance: The status codes NA and NR should no longer be used. Previously entered NA an NR status codes should be updated, but may remain in the database until they are replaced by more recent codes. Implementers should consult the most recent EI guidance for performing an EI evaluation prior to entering this event code. Click here for guidance on how to determine if a facility has met RCRA corrective action environmental indicators.
CA770 |
Engineering Controls Established |
This event signifies the establishment of engineering controls (ECs) as part of, or to augment, an interim or final corrective action. ECs consist of engineering measures (e.g, caps, treatment systems, etc.) designed to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by either limiting direct contact with contaminated areas or controlling migration of contaminants through environmental media. This event should also be entered when ECs are established for regulated units undergoing closure and/or post-closure care, including engineering controls required under 40 CFR 264 and 265.
Status Codes (required)
- GW - Groundwater control which includes any EC pertaining to groundwater, including in situ and ex situ treatment like bioremediation, in situ permeable reactor barriers, monitored natural attenuation (MNA), longterm monitoring, etc.
- NG - Non-groundwater controls referring to any control not related to groundwater, such as barriers or caps.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date ECs are projected to be fully constructed and operational
- Actual Date - Date ECs are fully constructed and operational
- Notes - Indicate location where additional information concerning the specific control can be accessed (e.g., responsible agency contact information, website address, etc.).
- Guidance - When ECs are established at the facility level (e.g., site security), this event should be linked to the "entire facility" area. When ECs are established and affect only portions of the RCRA facility, this event should be linked to the specific area affected by the control. For further guidance with respect to ECs, refer to the latest One Cleanup Program guidance (OSWER 9355.0- 74FS-P). This document can be found at
CA772 |
Institutional Controls Established |
This event signifies the establishment of institutional controls (ICs) as part of, or to augment, an interim or final corrective action. ICs are defined as non-engineered and/or legal controls that minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by limiting land or resource use. This event should also be entered when ICs are established for regulated units undergoing closure and/or post-closure care, including notices to deed and survey plats required under Sub-part G of 40 CFR 264.
Status Codes (required)
- EP - Enforcement and permit tools which includes permits, orders, or other enforceable agreements.
- GC - Governmental control is implemented and enforced by State or local governments. It excludes permits, orders, and other enforceable agreements.
- ID - Information devices including information or notification of contamination present at the property.
- PR - Proprietary control relies on legal instruments placed in the chain of title for the property.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date ICs are projected to be fully implemented and effective
- Actual Date - Date ICs are fully implemented and effective
- Notes - Indicate location where additional information concerning the specific control can be accessed (e.g., responsible agency contact information, website address, etc.).
- Guidance - When ICs are established at the facility level (e.g., site security), this event should be linked to the "entire facility" area. When ICs are established and affect only portions of the RCRA facility, this event should be linked to the specific areas affected by the control. For further guidance with respect to ICs, refer to the latest One Cleanup Program guidance (OSWER 9355.0- 74FS-P). This document can be found at
CA780 |
Engineering Controls Terminated |
This event significies that the engineering control is no longer required to protect human health and the environment. Use this code where a CA770 [Engineering Controls (ECs) Established] was entered and the control(s) subsequently terminated.
Status Codes (required)
- GW - The control is related to groundwater such as situ and ex situ treatment like bioremediation, in situ permeable reactor barriers, monitored natural attenuation (MNA), long term monitoring, etc.
- NG - The control is not related to groundwater such as barriers or caps.
- Initiating Source - Enter this code upon completion of required activities and approval by the State / EPA of the decision document required to terminate controls at the facility. This decision document would be the mechanism put in place by the State / EPA to terminate the controls, e.g. a permit mod
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Scheduled Date - Date EC is scheduled to be terminated
- Actual Date - Date EC is terminated
- Notes - Indicate location where additional information concerning the specific control can be accessed (e.g. responsible agency contact information, web site address, etc.). Indicate any specifics about the control termination
- Guidance - When ECs were established at the facility level (e.g. site security), this event should be linked to the 'entire facility' Area. When ECs were established and affect only portions of the RCRA facility, this event should be linked to the specific areas affected by the control or controls. If both groundwater and non-groundwater controls exist for a particular area, enter an event code for each control. For further guidance with respect to ICs and/or ECs refer to the latest One Cleanup Program guide (OSWER 9355.0-74FS-P). This document can be found at
CA782 |
Institutional Controls Terminated |
This event signifies that the institutional control is no longer required to protect human health and the environment. Use this code where a CA772 [Institutional Controls (ICs) Established] was entered and the control(s) subsequently terminated.
Status Codes (required)
- EP - Includes permits, orders, or other enforceable agreements.
- GC - Implemented and enforced by State or local governments; excludes permits, orders and other enforceable agreements.
- ID -Includes information or notification of contamination present at property.
- PR - Relies on legal instruments placed in the chain of title for the property
- Initiating Source - Enter this code upon completion of required activities and approval by the State / EPA of the decision document required to terminate controls at the facility. This decision document would be the mechanism put in place by the State / EPA to terminate the controls, e.g. a permit mod
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Scheduled Date - Date IC is scheduled to be terminated
- Actual Date - Date IC is terminated
- Notes - Indicate location where additional information concerning the specific control can be accessed (e.g. responsible agency contact information, web site address, etc.). Indicate any specifics about the control termination
- Guidance - When ICs are established at the facility level (e.g. site security), this event should be linked to the 'entire facility' Area. When ICs are established and affect only portions of the RCRA facility, this event should be linked to the specific areas affected by the control or controls. If more than one control exists for a particular area, enter an event code for each control. For further guidance with respect to ICs and/or ECs refer to the latest One Cleanup Program guide (OSWER 9355.0-74FS-P). This document can be found at
CA800 |
Ready for Anticipated Use |
The event by which the State or EPA makes an RAU determination and completes an RAU form. The form notes that the RCRA facility, or designated portion of the facility, has met all of the following Ready for Anticipated Use Criteria outlined in the Cross-Program Revitalization Measures (CPRM) Guidance:
- The facility or facility area has met the Human Exposures Environmental Indicator (CA725YE), and the event has been entered into RCRAInfo;
- Cleanup goals have been achieved for media that may affect current and reasonably anticipated future land uses of the facility so that there are no unacceptable risks; and
- All institutional or other controls, identified as part of a response action or remedy as required to help ensure long-term protection, are in place.
The RAU milestone is achieved when a piece of property can be safely used for an anticipated use and, depending upon the anticipated future use, may not require a facility-wide construction complete determination. For example, the surface of a property may be safely used at some facilities while groundwater contamination is still being addressed. More information on the Ready for Anticipated Use measure is presented in the "Guidance for Documenting and Reporting RCRA Subtitle C Corrective Action Land Revitalization Indicators and Performance Measures,
Status Codes (required)
- NO - The facility or area is not Ready for Anticipated Use. This status code applies if, for any reason, a previous RAU determination is no longer true (i.e. the anticipated use of a site could change or a human exposures determination could change).
- YE - The facility or area is Ready for Anticipated Use.
- Initiating Source - State or EPA RAU form completed, signed, and submitted to the file. The form indicates that each of the RAU criteria have been met, and whether the RAU determination is for specific areas or the entire facility.
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Actual Date - The date the State or EPA completes and signs the RAU form acknowledging, in writing, that the facility or facility area, has met the RAU criteria
- Guidance - The Ready for Anticipated Use measure is an important aspect of a RCRA Corrective Action cleanup as it communicates that a facility or facility area is safe and ready for its next anticipated use. RCRA Corrective Action facilities that have achieved a CA999-Corrective Action Process Terminated determination have probably met the RAU criteria. Before an RAU determination is made for these facilities, however, the facility and/or the overseeing agency must verify that institutional controls are either unnecessary or are in place and effective. Prior to making an RAU determination, the event code for achieving the human exposures environmental indicator (CA725YE) must be entered in RCRAInfo. RAUs for the entire facility must be linked to the "Entire Facility" area. Phased or partial RAUs are to be attached to specific areas of implementation and not to the "Entire Facility" area.
CA900 |
CA Performance Standards Attained |
This event indicates remedies selected for the protection of human health and the environment standard have been fully implemented and associated performance standards have been attained at the entire facility or specific areas within the facility.
Status Codes (required)
- CR - Controls are required.
- NC - No controls are necessary.
- Initiating Source - Written acknowledgment, processed through proper procedures, that corrective action performance standards have been achieved
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Scheduled Date - Date that the State or EPA expects to issue its written acknowledgment that corrective action performance standards have been achieved
- Actual Date - Date that the State or EPA issued its written acknowledgment that corrective action performance standards have been achieved
CA999 |
Corrective Action Process Terminated |
This event indicates the completion of the corrective action process for the entire facility or for areas at the facility; that active remedial measures as specified in the RCRA permit or enforcement order are completed, and that all obligations with respect to compliance with 40 CFR Part 264.101 or equivalent State requirements with respect to known Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) or Areas or Concern have been met.
Status Codes (not required)
- NF - Site characterization has demonstrated the attainment of the final RCRA Corrective Action goals without any active remediation.
- RM - Active remediation or stabilization has been implemented and the facility has demonstrated the attainment of the final RCRA Corrective Action goals.
- Initiating Source - Written acknowledgement, places in the facility file, stating that all projected activity has been completed
- Nationally Required - Yes
- Schedule Date - Date the event is scheduled to be completed
- Actual Date - Date the sequence of events was completed
- Guidance - This event should be entered 1) after the Certification of Remedy Completion or Construction Completion (CA550-CMI Completed), and/or 2) after a stabilization measure(s) has been completed in a manner that meets the stabilization objectives, goals, performance standards, and/or desired results (CA650), and terminating corrective action at this point at the facility or area would satisfy all permit or order requirements for CA.