It is the responsibility of the designated facility to report any discrepancies between the waste described on the manifest and the waste actually received. Manifest discrepancies are: significant differences (as defined by 40 CFR §264.72(b) and 40 CFR §265.72(b)) between the quantity or type of hazardous waste designated on the manifest and the quantity and type of hazardous waste a facility actually receives; rejected wastes, which may be a full or partial shipment of hazardous waste that the designated facility cannot accept; or container residues, which are residues that exceed the quantity limits for "empty" containers set forth in 40 CFR §261.7(b).
To report a discrepancy for an electronic or hybrid manifest, click the "eye" icon next to the manifest of interest within the Received Section of the e-Manifest Dashboard. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Make Changes". Note: You must have Preparer or Certifier permissions for the e-Manifest module or be a Site Manager in order for the "Make Changes" button to be displayed. The manifest will now be edit-able. Click on the "pencil" icon next to the waste line or lines affected by the discrepancy in Section 9-13 of the manifest. A pop-up window containing the information for that waste line will be displayed. Make the corrections to the waste line as appropriate. In Section 18, indicate the type of discrepancy you encountered by setting the Yes/No slider boxes for Quantity and Type to the appropriate values. A value of Yes for Quantity indicates that a quantity discrepancy for this waste was discovered. A value of Yes for Type indicates that a waste type discrepancy for this waste was discovered. You must also provide comments describing the discrepancy encountered. Click the "Save & Return" button to save the revisions made to the waste line and the discrepancy information entered, then click "Save" (if you are a Preparer) or "Review and Sign" (if you are a Certifier or Site Manager) to save the revisions to the manifest.
A designated facility may reject waste, either a full or partial shipment, that they cannot accept. In the General Information Section, you will be asked if any of the waste contained residues or was rejected by the designated facility. The default value is "No". If you answer "Yes", you will be asked to indicate whether the residue and/or rejection is from a previous manifest and/or if any waste was rejected by the designated facility. After providing all relevant information, you must also indicate where the rejected waste is going (i.e., being returned to the generator or going to an alternate designated facility). Additional information for rejections is collected in Section 18 including Comments and additional Tracking Numbers, if appropriate. For information on rejections, please see 40 CFR 265.72.